Help us conserve and restore the large landscapes of Northern Sierra Nevada. For all of us.
The Northern Sierra Partnership (NSP) is a collaborative initiative to conserve, restore and expand opportunities to enjoy the magnificent natural landscapes of the Northern Sierra Nevada and build the foundation for sustainable rural prosperity.
What is the Northern Sierra?
We work to conserve and restore the magnificent natural landscapes of the Northern Sierra Nevada, from Carson Pass to Lassen. These include watershed lands, wildlife habitat, pristine lakes, land along the Pacific Crest Trail and the Western States Trail, working ranches and working forests.
We focus on six priority landscapes: the North Fork Feather River Headwaters, Middle Fork Feather River Headwaters, Sierra Valley, Northern Headwaters of the Truckee River, Northern Sierra Nevada Crest, and Carson River Watershed.
Why the Northern Sierra?
Many Americans think the Sierra Nevada is already protected in an unbroken sweep of public land. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Although the southern and central Sierra are largely conserved in a series of contiguous national parks, national forests and wilderness areas, that protection starts to peter out north of Carson Pass. Only 64% of the land over 3,000 feet in the Northern Sierra is protected as part of the public domain, compared to 93% of the land over 3,000 feet in the rest of the Sierra. What explains the difference?
We work with private landowners, public agencies, nonprofit groups and local communities to:
Conserve the spectacular natural landscapes that sustain life in the Sierra and beyond;
Restore the ecological vitality of our forests, meadows and rivers, and the landscape’s resilience to climate change;
Expand opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to access and enjoy the natural wonders of the Sierra Nevada.
Photo credit: Carson Pass © Elizabeth Carmel | Sierra Nevada Checkerboard © U.S. Forest Service | Castle Peak © Paul Hamill